Benefits of Eating Seasonally

Benefits of Eating Seasonally

benefits of eating seasonally

Making an effort to consume in-season produce doesn't just benefit the planet and the local economy, it can benefit your health too. Produce that is sourced locally and seasonally is:


🍊 higher in antioxidants like vitamin C

🥑 higher in nutrients like folate

🥦 lower in photo-nutrients or anti-nutrients

🚛 less likely to grow mold in-transit


Not to mention, nature seems to intelligently provide foods that nourish us in the different ways we require throughout the seasons. For example, squash and root vegetables for warming, grounding meals in the winter, and refreshing, hydrating stone fruits and berries in the heat of the summer. 


Incorporating more seasonal foods into your day is another small, but powerful way to re-connect with the earth.


Download a free list of in-season fruits and veggies, recipes, and rituals in our summer wellness guide.